Lightspeed’s Zulu ANR Headset with Bluetooth

Pam and I pulled up to the hangar to check on Betsy and we saw hangar neighbor Joe’s SUV parked next door. As we got out of our car, we saw Joe walking up. We got to talking about cell phones and Bluetooth, and then Joe said, “Well maybe you can help me figure something out.”

He had a question about Bluetooth technology and his new headset. I said, “Well, Pam will know all about that!” So there we stood at the back of Joe’s SUV and he shows us this new headset he bought recently. It is the Zulu Active Noise Reduction (ANR), Bluetooth-enabled headset by Lightspeed. Pam looked through the user’s manual and had the Bluetooth operating in no time. This allows you to receive and make calls on your cellphone without being connected to the headset with wires – it’s Bluetooth! Both Pam and I loved seeing this feature.  

Joe explained that you can also hook up a hardwire to your favorite music player and listen to music – and with the Front Row Center (FRC) technology in the headset, the quality of music simulates sitting “front and center” in an ampitheater. The leather foam ear cushions and top cushion made for a very comfortable and snug fit and they weight just under 14 ounces – a little heavier that Bose X’s 12 ounces.

Joe said he has yet to feel uncomfortable in them and they hold snuggly without shifting. They are even priced below the Bose X’s $999 price at $850, and with the added features, will certainly give Bose a run for their money. I have the Bose and love them, and am getting pressured to get a set for Pam.This has me rethinking Bose in favor of the Zulu – it has the immediately justifiable Bluetooth feature that we would find great value in so Pam can make and receive calls without the cockpit noise.

So thanks to running into Joe at the airport the other day, we might be ordering the Zulu sometime soon. Joe, please don’t buy a Garmin 696. If you do, please don’t tell me about it! 

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